2023 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition Awards Ceremony
Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten Praise Winners Caring for Society, Sustainability and Nature
Event message

The third「International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition」, which is co-hosted by Taiwan Architecture Magazine and Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates and also the affiliation of Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association, has held awards ceremony in The Mayor's Residence Art Salon of Taipei in March 19.

The 2 judges Rem Koolhaas, founder and partner of OMA, and David Gianotten, managing partner, both award the 10 winners in person. Li, Shu Ting, Vice President of Feng Chia University, is also invited as one of speakers for the forum. 

Chen, Chung-Heng, chairman of Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association, said that the goal of「International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition」is to courage global young architects under 40 years old to discuss creative and prospective ideas of residential houses which could inspire creative ideas for residential architecture. Ou Yang-Chun, Director of Taiwan Architecture Magazine, also points out that the research range of 10 winners’ works is comprehensive and echoes the challenge of Covid-19 around the world. The winners also give creative ideas and possibilities in the future for global architecture practitioners including social housing, congregate housing, mixed-use housing and renovation of old buildings in the area of urban and rural village. 

Awards Ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkduz9LqCZQ&t=7508s

Chen, Chung-Heng/traaa chairman

Ou Yang-Chun/TA Magazine Director

Two judges are also invited to give a special presentation before awards ceremony to share OMA’s global residential works including private houses, large congregate housing, re-use of old building (prison) and prefabricated housing. The same core of these ideas is try to response the current important issue of how to create new possibility by design based on the issue of sustainability, re-use and limited resources. 

Judge Rem Koolhaas

Judge David Gianotten 

The work of first place〈Sky Village Incubator〉is designed by Duan, Ai-Xin, Geng, Rui-Jia and Chen, Li-Ying of China which stands out of 274 works from 24 countries. Judge Rem Koolhaas said that the idea of the work is a creative solution trying to solve the problem of becoming disadvantaged minority with unsafe and small living environment when huge village population moving to cities in China. The solution can provide opportunity to continue their agricultural skills when living in cities temporally without the feeling of loneliness and isolation. The second place comes to the work of〈POLAR STOROZHKA〉designed by Алиса Романова of Russia who attends the awards ceremony in person form Russia. Judge David Gianotten said that the idea of the work is try to raise many practical ways to shorten the distance between people by new residential houses in the old town Kola in Russia having the severe climate. The third place comes to the work of〈Carbon Lab of Circular Economy〉designed by Chi, Ko-Yu to show the sense of community union and address a functional and poetic solution to handle the issue of carbon emission. 

First Prize─Duan, Ai-Xin + Geng, Rui-Jia + Chen, Li-Ying/China

Second Prize─Алиса Романова/Russian

Third Prize─Chi, Ko-Yu/Taiwan

​Honorable Mention─Pan, Zhong-Yu/Taiwan

Shortlisted─Lin, Jia-Zeng/Taiwan

Rem Koolhaas explains that the reason of giving the topic「The Multifunctional Sustainable and Healthy Home」is not only to discuss the challenge of pandemic but also face urgent issues such as sustainability, climate change or sexuality. He also stresses that this is the first time architectural design needs to be changed to follow external issues. These are new issues needed to be considered by everyone to create new possibilities. David Gianotten said that pandemic is like an accelerator to push to create more new ideas to solve lots of existing problems. This also tells architects to have their own solutions to adapt for local environment, background and history. There will not have a one-size-fits-all solution to handle all of problems. Pandemic also tells us that the force of nature overwhelms city and human beings. The nature cannot be left in the city design but should be involved in city and life through the design of microclimate and edible garden. Li, Shu Ting, Vice President of Feng Chia University, echoes that Taiwan’s architecture firm Banmu has started thinking new way of living to reduce the burden of nature based on the idea of「healthy」and 「living with environment」long time ago. The idea is to try to have a balance between architecture and environment. Architecture should only be a thin skin which will be adjusted by internal living and external nature environment. Architecture provides a living space inside and respects nature outside at the same time. 

Informal Discussion

Li, Shu Ting/Vice President of Feng Chia University

The awards ceremony smoothly comes to an end with lively discussions. The 10 works of winners, comments of judges and more discussions will be fully published in the website of Taiwan Residential Architecture Award and《Taiwan Architecture Magazine》of May issue. The 9th Taiwan Residential Architecture Award (TRAA) will also start to call for submissions in July, 2023. Please stay in tune the friends paying attention to the development of global residential housing! 

VIPs of awards ceremony: 
Rem Koolhaas / Founder and Partner of OMA
David Gianotten / Managing Partner of OMA
Li, Shu Ting / Vice President of Feng Chia University, Professor and Dean of School of Architecture


First Prize─Sky Village Incubator
/Duan, Ai-Xin(段艾辛)+ Geng, Rui-Jia(耿睿佳)+ Chen, Li-Ying(陳麗穎)/China
/Алиса Романова/Russian
Third Prize─Carbon Lab of Circular Economy - Carbon Capture Project
/Chi, Ko-Yu(姫柯宇)/Taiwan
Honorable Mention─Urban ZIP.per
/Pan, Zhong-Yu(潘中昱)/Taiwan
Honorable Mention─Urban Instability - Participatory Urbanism
/Hsiao, Chung-Yun(蕭仲筠)+ Liao, Chuan-Yao(廖譔堯)/Taiwan
Shortlisted─Spatial Folding of Urban 'Patches'
/Zhao, Guan-Lyu(趙管律)/China
Shortlisted─Four Filtering Pieces House
/Giacomo Caputo/Germany
Shortlisted─No One is an Island
/Zhang, Zi-Hui(張子惠)/China
Shortlisted─Alveolar Filter
/Yang, Xin(楊欣)+ Liang, Lin-Tao(梁林濤)/China
Shortlisted─Return To The ( )
/Lin, Jia-Zeng(林家增)/Taiwan

Aggregate Corporation Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association
Taiwan Architecture Magazine and Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates

Photography: OS studio- Neo
